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[astronomers]astronomers who study planet


1另一方面, 纯科学上的有效的法则被运用到实际生活当中, 增强人们对环境的驾驭能力, 从而使新的科技, 工艺, 机器得到发展, 应用科学, 便与此直接相关2科学发展的速度之快是显而易见的, 即使是对于20世纪20年代的人;翻译The sun and the solar system by the gravitational effect of its operation objects around it constitute the celestial system It includes the sun, eight planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets;1水星Mercury 水星英语Mercury,拉丁语Mercurius是太阳系八大行星最内侧也是最小的一颗行星,也是离太阳最近的行星中国称为辰星,有着八大行星中最大的轨道偏心率它每87968个地球日绕行太阳一周,而每公转2;Greenwich observatory under the leadership of the distinguished astronomers eli, extended and updated equipment He pioneered using quotmeridian ringquot determination of Greenwich mean solar time It became a time measurem;Spotted是被目击的意思,所以整个标题英翻译为第三个木星火球被目击需要空中监测部队第二句大概是业余的观察促进了对大量后院天文学家的需求 Backyard Astronomy PS后院天文学在美国很流行,就是在自家后院利用;Dr Bhathal#39s discovery had come just months before astronomers announced that they had found a similar, slightly less habitable planet around the same star 20 light years away This planet was called Gliese 581e当年,在;some blame 主语,这里的blame 作名词用for the current controversy 介词短语作后置定语,belongs 是本句话的谓语;11 Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积质量与密度12 Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of;天文学家英语是astronomerastronomer,名词,译为天文学家英式发音#601#712str#594n#601m#601r美式发音#601#712strɑ#720n#601m#601rastronomer的例句1 My id。

[astronomers]astronomers who study planet

您好黑洞是什么,天文学家还没有完全解决这个问题 可翻译为What is a black hole, astronomers have not yet fully solved the problem或者What is a black hole, astronomers have not yet fully solve this problem;昨晚的流星流星淋浴让许多人们在社会的不满和要求的答案根据加布Rothsclild,翡翠谷的市长,人们聚集在城市的郊区,背着沉重的望远镜,期待看熊熊燃烧的流星穿过天空他们所发现的却是一个天空如此明亮的灯光,它黑暗的城市的。

[astronomers]astronomers who study planet

As a famous Neptune, he, he is not observed, but calculate out of 19th century, astronomers have discovered some rules of operation Uranus, they suspect a planet in quottimequot, continuously, people finally got this planet;astronomer 英#601#712str#594n#601m#601rs美#601#712strɑn#601m#602s谐音俄斯恰呢么斯 n天文学者,天文学家;No one sucks here!Do you think our planet is the only place in the universe where there is life? Until 1995, astronomers had never found a solar system like ours A solar system is made up of a star。

Newton, the great Britain physicist, on December 25, 1642 was born in Lincolnshire wool Throp village farmers#39 family 12 yearold he when the gland Therm#39s Public school studies, displayed to has tested;Astronomers#39 s wife feels that there is still time to continue the work, to find something to do, so that the time goes by Then, she crept downstairs coffee She shook feet Tread softly in the oval carpet。



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