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一详细释义 , n , 电报,电讯 , 例句 ,Among these were a relay booster for telegraph lines and a firesafety curtain for theaters,其中包括电报线路的继电调压器和剧院防火帘, 例句 ,Do you happ;电报是一种最早的可靠的即时远距离通信方式,它是19世纪30年代在英国和美国发展起来的电报信息通过专用的交换线路以电信号的方式发送出去,该信号用编码代替文字和数字,通常使用的编码是莫尔斯编码现在,随着电话传真等。

九每日电讯报The Daily Telegraph每日电讯报The Daily Telegraph于1855年由Arthur B Sleigh首次出版报纸在2002年到2004年连续获得“年度专栏作家”称号每日电讯报因其报道的“年度最佳新闻”而被评为2010年度“;the uk#39s daily telegraph 英国每日电讯报 双语对照 例句1Libyan rebels rescued the pilot after he ejected from the warplane whichcame down near benghazi, the uk#39s daily telegraph reported英国每日电讯报称。


1、telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。

2、Synchronize telegraph with the one in engine room and report与机舱对车钟并报告3Penicillin came second, followed by the dna double helix, the apollo 10 capsule, the v2 rocket engine, stephenson#39s rocket。

3、Perhaps it is the modern manner of living that insistently demands that all current fiction be short Automobiles, jet planes, telephones, and telegraphs all bow at the alter of speed And literature shares。

4、They telegraphed us to leave immediately他们拍电报叫我们立即离开电汇电购 He telegraphed money to his son他将钱电汇给他儿子流露出 There’s a look about him that telegraphed bad news他那副样子流露出。

5、electric lights,你拼写错了。

6、英语是 gentlemen first解释gentlemen 英#39d#658entlmen 美#39d#658entlmenn 男士先生 绅士 阁下 有身份的人例句If you#39ll excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, we#39d better leave。

7、二者均可指小鸡,chicken还可以当鸡肉 The chicken is delicious T H4 P$ a7 S t#3927 telegram, telegraph 当电报解时,telegram指具体的,telegraph指抽象的 a telegram, by telegraph 28 trip, journey, travel。





not become discouraged and disappointed, they are solidarity, collective wisdom and work to overcome difficulties and build a happy life From bare hands until they create pottery, glass, wind mill, telegraph。

路透社Reuters 法新社AFP Agence France Press塔斯社TASS ITARTASS News Agency The Information Telegraph Agency of Russia安莎社 ANSA Italia埃菲社EFE La Agencia EFE,SA Span德新社DPA。

