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[strikingtherightbalance翻译]striking the right balance翻译


1、10平衡,使公平 It was difficult to strike the right balance between justice and expediency在公正与私利之间很难两全It#39s difficult to strike a balance很难找到公平的解决方法。

2、strike a balance 的意思是取得平衡达到平衡达成平衡调和折中1strike作动词v意思是撞碰撞击碰撞打击击打,踢球等例句The child ran into the road and was struck by a car翻译孩子跑到公路。

3、权利均衡 The right balance of 开放式交易 Open Trading 雇佣关系的确定方式受法律契约管理和传统的约束 Of the employment relationship to identify ways by law, contracts, management, and traditional constraints。

4、使突然启动使突然开始例句 The horse struck a gallop那匹马突然飞跑起来39 来到,到达沿着走例句 We#39ll strike London before dark天黑前我们可以到达伦敦Striking this direction,we can catch them up at once。

5、作不及物动词时意为“保持平衡相称抵销”作名词时意为“平衡余额匀称”2例句There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods没有其他方法可以确保人们饮食均衡。

6、他们应该在学习和赚钱之间,劳逸结合strike a right balance。


8、because of the shoulder line is too long, in order to strike the right balance, choose trim and boatneck with vertical lines, and delicate decoration on the shoulders to soft is too wide for the line。

9、目前,当前 right now, currently,花时间在某人的业余爱好上 spend time on somebody#39s interests 对感到糟糕 yeah, feeling awful达到两者之间的平衡 to achieve a balance between the two be crazy about。

10、Crocodile Park is located in Xiamen Jimei Lam Soon Dragon Pool, with more than 20 countries, more than 2,000 crocodiles, the largest crocodile up to 6 meters and weighing 15 tons, the smaller is only。

11、答“你好吗?这是史蒂夫”乙“你好史蒂夫,这是玛丽ABC公司我yourcall回来”答“你好,玛丽你过得如何?”B“我做的很好,谢谢”答“谢谢你给我回电话我不明白为什么 期末余额在2003财政年度的期初余额不。

12、中心选择50 +特殊配方的多种维生素的年龄超过50岁您正忙,积极参与和热情的生活正采取积极您的健康是很重要的你和你的家人你知道你的身体正在发生变化,并有不同的需求有越来越多的研究有关的营养需要的人超过50。

13、Straight down the middle until next Thursday Reverse to the left, then back to the right Twist and turn #39til you#39ve got it right Get the balance right, get the balance right Get the balance right, get。

14、and to improve the ability to balance the body movement stability with prominent effects For athletes in the physical quality put forward higher request Therefore, the balance capacity of sanda athletes, coaches。

15、rulers needed an urgent system to balance right from all aspectsSo the early supervision system of Ming Dynasty, after its absorption of lessons of Yuan#39s ruin,had made improvementThe surveillance system in。

[strikingtherightbalance翻译]striking the right balance翻译

16、二十年前,当澳大利亚政治是更加亲密,五颜六色和混乱的,成员为Bennelong有名誉在是上教条的 根本变动的提倡者,特别在对工业关系解除管制,霍华德是方式,方式在曲线之前 如果有正面在他的经济沥青,他们在语言丢失了芳香。

[strikingtherightbalance翻译]striking the right balance翻译



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