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telegraph中文翻译-view in telegram翻译



telegraph中文翻译-view in telegram翻译

ITT abbrInternational Telephone and Telegraph Corp 美国国际电话电信公司 ITT, for instance, is including a pair of lasers in its Infrared Countermeasuressystem例如,在ITT的红外干扰系统中有一对激光器;其实现在应用市场很多浏览器都有页面翻译功能,你可以多下载几个试下,楼上网友推荐的Eotu浏览器,我也用过,支持将难懂的外文网页一键翻译为中文或是你能看懂的其他语言,只要你手机设置的目标语言是中文,地址输入外文网址;thomas edison was pelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator 请翻译这句话参考书上的翻译是为了保持独立的经济来源,爱迪生不得不去当夜间电报员The;The speed of the telegraph signals enabled the trains to run faster and safer Yates, 1989 Lubrano, 1997电报的速度使得火车可以跑得更快更安全 This encouraged the building of rail lines over longer。

bTelegraph is widely used when there is no ate row meat when they haven#39t learnt to heat5现在,老师有很多其他的方式与学生联系a现在,人们有很多其他的方式与人联系bNow,there are;几十年后,福尔摩斯的形象在人们的心目中依然鲜活,在欧洲和美国的“福尔摩斯塔南的完整作品”不断再版,其中有些达重印了几次50的故事,人物福尔摩斯仍然是许多人们的崇拜,有些狂热的读者找到岁的贝克街甚至是虚构的痕迹这;it is following the telegraph, telephone, radio, computer, after a great invention, the world#39s computers linked via the Internet, to communicate or share information resources Wireless phones with the Internet;Reengineering of grain handling in the 1850s was caused by technological and institutional changes that accompanied the invention of the telegraph 1844 and the expansion of the railway1850年期间,伴随着电报的;大家都翻译得不错的此句是个强调句“It wasthat”,你把it was that去掉再换一下语序就更清楚了The Atlantic Telegraph company turned to Navy for information on this matter in 1953大西洋电报公司在1953。

超越简单测试 一直以来,进入一所优秀大学都是一个挑战高考完的青少年觉得如释重负,但不幸的是,优异的成绩并不能绝对保证你就一定能进入一所顶尖的大学在英国,今年的A级考试中,得到顶A级成绩的学生人数打破了以往的;电报telegraph 电冰箱 fridge 电池battery 电话打电话 phone=telephone 电话打电话给 telephone 电话传呼机 beeper 电脑,计算机 computer 电视机 TV 电梯云雾消散 lift 电影film 电影movie 电影院电影 cinema 电子的 electronic。

The firecracker went off in the morning, open the door open Spring Festival first plug and firecrackers, called the quotopen the firecracker went offquot The firecracker, red, can break ground if brocade, called;I am a student of Junior Three I am 14 years old Our school will hold a sports meeting in October and I want to enter for itRunning is my strength, and I think I am fit to attend the 100。

telegraph中文翻译-view in telegram翻译



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