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competenceandperformance谁提出的-competencecompetence principle




competenceandperformance谁提出的-competencecompetence principle

competence-competence principle

Performance 指实行某事的行为或某事被实现的过程即执行Parole 指由执法人员用一段时间对其进行定期观察,如果其行为连续合乎法律则可予以释放即假释Competence指足以胜任或非常合格的状态或性质即能力或法律所赋予的。

competence grammar 的话指的是一个speaker的整个运用语法的能力,比如他她会多少语法规则,对这些规则掌握的如何performance grammar指的是一个speaker在说话和书写过程中实际运用的语法,因为speaker可能也会在说话和写作过程。

competenceandperformance谁提出的-competencecompetence principle

Linguistic competence refers to something about languageCommunicative competence have something to do with the ability of the communication with peopleOne man can have a good linguistic competence,however his。

Third, the brain drain of enterprises, which will result in enterprise recruitment, training and production efficiency and reduce cost of human resource management, core competence is under threatFour, the influence factors。

competence and performance谁提出的


一Competence能力 能力是与自己所学的知识,工作的经验,人生的阅历和长者的传授相结合的并不是说,我们学的什么专业,未来就会从事哪一行,人格特质才是决定人生方向的重要关键因此,能力的培养是和真正不断地吸收新。

The performance should demonstrate technical competence, stylistic awareness and musical integrity 3 to 5minute selections will be heard during the interview Performance from memory is preferred, but not required Admission。

1linguistic competence Comsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language,and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication 2sentence A sentence。