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[strikingbackatlightning答案]stricking back at lighting


1___Sunday, the students are at home ABeing BTo be CIt is DIt being2The boy lay on his back, his teeth __and his glaring eyes ___ Aset looked Bset looking Csetting looked。

Afterwards, she goes back into her shop and talks to a group of defense counsel Sydney Carton, who bears a striking resemblance to himOn the morning of the marriage, Darnay, at Dr Manette#39s request。

[strikingbackatlightning答案]stricking back at lighting

A bloke#39s back bike brake block broke A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits A flea and a Six shimmering sharks#39 sharply striking shins Six short slow shepherds Six silly sisters sell silk to six。

BobI said I#39d be back later HelenI assumed you#39d be back later If you came back at all, you#39HelenI didn#39t bring them! They stowed away! And I don#39t think you#39re striking the proper tone here。

striking #39straiki#x014B vtstrike的变形adj1 打击的敲击的2 攻击的,袭击的3 罕见的突出的给人深刻印象的4 显而易见的,明显的5 引人注目的6 罢工的罢课的罢赛的罢市的strike straik vt1 击,打,敲击。

[strikingbackatlightning答案]stricking back at lighting



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