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1、篇一Nevergiveup英文短诗 Nevergiveup Nevergiveup,永不放弃 Neverlosehope永不心灰意冷Alwayshavefaith,永存信念,Itallowsyoutocope它会使你应付自如Tryingtimeswillpass,难捱的时光终将过去,Astheyalwaysdo。
2、双语赏析生如夏花泰戈尔life,thin and lightoff time and time again frivolous tireless 生命,一次又一次轻薄过 轻狂不知疲倦 one 一 i heard the echo#712ek#601u,from the valleys and the heart。
3、where she falls inlove with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester her time with the Rivers family at Marshs Endor Moor Houseand Morton, where her cold clergymancousin St John Rivers proposes to her。
4、Strategic Plan Flying in fog is quite challenging, even for the most experienced of pilots For pilots that are not as skilled, fog is an extremely da。
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