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cable名词 电缆 cable, electric cable 缆 cable 电报 telegraph, telegram, cable, wire 铁索 iron chain, cable 拍电报 cable 动词 打电报 cable, send a telegram common形容词 共同 common, joint;cable 不能做形容词,只有名词和动词 n电缆, 缆, 索, 电报 v发电报, 通过电缆交流, 用缆绳固定 cable TV 名词短语 ,cable是名词 the college students中college也是名词,不是形容词 若有疑问及时追问,满意。

Acceleration 速化反应 台加速反应 Accelerator 加速剂,速化剂 台促进剂,催化剂 Acceptable Quality Level AQL允收品质水准 台合格质量水平 Access hole 露出孔,穿露孔 台余隙孔 Accuracy 准确度;JK罗琳的英文简介Joanne Rowling, OBE born 31 July 1965 is an English fiction writer who writes under the pen name J K Rowling Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, which has。


Zimmermann Telegram齐默尔曼电报齐默曼电报 词语辨析cable,telegram,telegraph 这些名词都有“电报”之意1cable通常指通过海底电缆打的电报,也可指广义的电报2telegram常用词,指通过电报系统发出的信息,尤指具体。

海洋学被定义为“应用程序的所有科学研究的海”在19世纪之前,科学家对大海感兴趣一些对于大多数人来说,大海是遥远的,除了早期洲际旅行者或从海上谋生的人,几乎没有理由提出太多问题,更别说思考大海海底的东西了第一次;我相信我翻译的更好We all know, electrical light bowlb is invented by Edison, telegraph is invented by Morse, and telephone is invented by Bell, but how many people know who invented the cellphone? What。

6选A 出处that was created in the nineteenth century when cables, which were used to transmit telegraph messages, were laid7选D出处he cut a piece off to show his friends8选C出处As no;应该是定语从句quotThe first time”是先行词,that是关系代词,quot the question had to be answered”是从句 “with any commercial consequence ”是with伴随结构2when the laying of a telegraphcable from Europe to。

Edison moved to New York from Boston He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary which at the time was very hi;1853年, 大西洋电报公司为美国海军服务的莫里解开了海底的真相1840S,莫里负责的声波巡回探测法被用于探测北大西洋和太平洋的深度之后,他的海洋自然地理一书中提及的新发现进一步引起了人们对海洋的兴趣我也真是。



1 信息可以通过电报在陆地上传输,但是你不可能在海洋两端拉起电线来发电报海洋两端可以用无线电或者电缆来发送信息2卡尔文建议再埋设一条电缆3但在中断之前,只有732条信息通过这条电缆传送44月8日,一份;有一点原因询问许多问题它, 更不用说问什么放置在表面之下第一次那问题quot什么是在底部 海洋?quot 必须被回答以任一商业后果是放置一通信机缆绳从欧洲向美国提议工程师必须知道路线的深度外形估计必须是制作的缆绳的长度。

54 一开始不好分清A doubt 和 C challenge,其实在汉语理解上,两者都讲得通,但如果不认识这个单词,就有些难办,不过要明白,challege字面意思是挑战,其实更深层是否定,而doubt只是怀疑 没有充足证据,而文中说电缆;After failures in 1847 and 1850, attempts to lay a submarine telegraph cable from Dover to Calais appeared promising He set up his quotSubmarine Telegraphquot office in October 1851 just before the opening of the cable in。



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