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一含义不同 1unstabilityunstability的含义是不稳定性2instabilityinstability的含义是不稳定,基础薄弱,不安定二侧重点不同 1unstabilityunstability侧重于形容物体的特性2instabilityinstability侧重于人。

instabilitiesn instability的名词复数 不稳定,不稳固全部释义例句The performance of pressure driven membrane processes may be significantly improved when unsteady fluid instabilities are superimposed on crossflow。


unstability是不稳定性,作为一种性质讲,什么什么的不稳定性 instability是不稳定,可以有复数的 虽然很少很少用,可以理解为,不够稳定,不够牢固 有一些地方是可以通用的,instability需要一些原因,结果,unstability 更多作为。

4由于存在某种程度的航向不稳定性,机身被加长了The length of the fuselage was increased due to a degree of directional instability5政府分而治之的政策只是加剧了该地区的不稳定性The government#39s policies。

instability 英#716#618nst#601#712b#618l#601ti 美#716#618nst#601#712b#618l#618tin 不稳定,不稳固 不坚决,反复无常 基础薄弱例句The length of the。

of stable character他是一个稳重可靠的人instability n 名词1不稳定性,不稳固 2不稳定现象事件stabilization 和 stability 都是名词,但前者有一步一步逐步稳定的含义,后者更偏向稳固的意思。

He found out several typical characteristics of adult formative period, such as the exploration of one#39s own identity, instability, self centeredness, feeling in between, feeling that everything is possible他。

Headdress, hair accessories耳饰Earrings颈饰Necklace 手饰手链,手镯Bracelet 腰饰This is a little difficult either belt, waist decoration, or waist accessory脚饰Anklet, or specific like toe ring。

我不知道你的是什么类型文章出现的,有这几种你自己看看哪个合适流不稳定性参照流音频streaming audio翻译的气流的不稳定性。

attention to our behavior, want to with a perfect image appears before the students, but because they deal with things experience, on learning and life will produce adverse effect, lead to emotional instability。

emotionalinstability 情绪不稳定 如有不懂,请追问 谢谢。

用 80% 来自一所学校亚洲美国人口统计学的, 我对这一个事实每天遇到贡献者 接合处强迫为灾祸产生一份食谱的不断的竞争,高的标准,美学的和社会生活的典型青少年焦虑和很多的其他有害的压力稍早,我我朋友的永无止境。

Abstract zhangjiagang city is a traditional cotton production base, riverside area once sectorsconnecting planting cotton, but enter with its rapid development of social economy, its area, at present only。


short term variation instability 短期变差,指的是产品在短期内的变化波动和变化的剧烈程度long term drift 长期变差,指的是产品在长期的SPC统计中所呈现出的变化趋势。


质粒的不稳定性plasrnid instability中包括分离的不稳定性segregational instability和结构的不稳定性structural instability两个方面前者是指,在细胞分裂过程中,有一个子细胞没有获得质粒 DNΑ拷贝,并最终增殖。



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