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一般的羊毛我们称作 wool好一点的则是 Merino 羊毛而Cashmere 可以说是羊毛中最高级的材料了,被称做“山羊绒”不是品牌是材质既保暖又柔软是顶级羊绒。


brand是品牌的意思,original是原始的意思 原品牌是苹果,直译也可以是正货的意思。

原价几千元的 Its original price reaches several thousand yuan我们的皮包是A货 你去专卖店看过这款包吗?Our bags are A grade Have you seen this bag in its speciality stores?我拿的货做得和原装是一样的 你。

My favourite brand for luxery accessories is Chanel Although it#39s very expensive, but I still love it As a fashion icon, Chanel is well known in the whole world It produces various kinds of goods。

My favorite brand is Apple, Inc I love this brand many years Apple, Inc has a lot of produces Such as MAC, IPOD, IPHONE, IPAD and so on Today I will talk about MAC Why I love a MAC Fist。

my first former original+thoughtidea think 当作名词解释成中文是想一想的意思,不是想法的意思thought是名词,想法,见解,first作形容词表示,最先的,第一的,former 以前曾经存在的 original 原来的,起初。

无论未来的我变的如何,我都会保持一颗初心,将这颗初心留给我爱的人 No matter how I change in the future, I will keep my first heart and leave it to my loved ones 保持初心,无关年龄,每个人心中都有一个小孩。



我最喜欢的汽车牌子汽车品牌有很多 宝马,奔驰,保时捷,拉博基尼,凯迪拉克 选择其中一个或者几个进行描写即可。

首先要导入spring相关包,poi,和fileupload包,我是使用maven构建的一导入excel 1使用spring上传文件 a前台页面提交。

started in March 2008 as director of the Beijing team, the original basis for the work, with Beijing#39s new team in charge of Beijing#39s belt, part of the process, at the same time responsible for the o。

这两个英语单词都是“我的原创风格”的意思但是在这里用my original style肯定会更合适一些 因为my是“我”的意思 而后面那句original style by比起my original style稍微要差一点。

最佳兰草专辑Ricky Skaggs Kentucky ThunderBrand New Strings 爵士类 最佳当代爵士乐专辑Bill FrisellUnspeakable 最佳爵士演唱专辑Nancy Wilson 最佳爵士乐器独奏 Herbie Hancock “Speak Like A Child”。

Also, it’s a lucky coincidence that what I enjoy doing my job is in a “recession proof” industry knock on wood The most painful experience has been watching the balances of my Roth 401k and Roth IRA。



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