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pocketmoney翻译、pocket money中文翻译


Brings coins, ONE Yuan per ticket, throws the coin into the slot initiatively, does not expect for changes。

appreciate vt 1 欣赏,赏识 2 感谢,感激 3 体会,领会,察知+that 4 正确地评价 这里却用到了喜欢的意思同样,对于零用钱用的表达不是pocket money而是small gifts of money 不过翻译完全无误 补充一下。

问题一零花钱用英语怎么写 pocket money pin money allowance walkingaround money extra money 问题二零花钱 英语是什么 以前老师喊我们翻过,就是Pocket money 问题三零花钱英语怎么翻译 pocket money 问。

16 hot money 短期流动资金 17 hush money 赌别人嘴的钱 18 pill money 零花钱pocket moneypin money 19 push money 提成 20 ready money 现金 21 seed money 本钱,本金 22 silly money 来路不明的钱 23 smart。

pocketmoney翻译是零用钱,pocketmoney是一个组合词,由pocket袋子和money钱组合而成影视原声Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it#39s better to save。

pocketmoney翻译、pocket money中文翻译

my home which I can not only earn pocket money for myself, but also accumulate social experience我认为我的闲暇时间是丰富多彩,富有意义的In my opinion ,my leisure time is very colourful and meaningful。

pocketmoney翻译、pocket money中文翻译



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