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On the way, a last bit of piss dribbles onto my thigh I pick up a dirty sock from the floor, wipe the urine off and toss the sock in a corner甚至还有有一个人被困在了未干的混凝土里,而他只是;quotHold ontoquot 和 quotHold onquot 都是英语短语,但它们的用法和含义不同quotHold ontoquot 意思是紧紧抓住或保持,通常用于描述紧握或保持某物不放,表示持续性的动作例如,“他紧紧抓住了绳子”可以表示为quotHe held onto the。

当然是香港便宜了,而且一般新品上市的时间都是差不多的在香港和美国,我有比较过,而且在香港买除了免税以外服务什么的都比美国好;to the screening gate one after another1 请一个一个通过探测门 2Good day,please put your baggage onto the conveyor carriage2 您好,请把您的包放在传送带上 3Please remove all your personal belonging that。



was dashing to a train in New York City#39s Grand Central Terminal As I neared the gate, a plump, middleaged woman sprinted up from behind, lost her footing on the smooth marble floor and slid onto her back。


他们去网吧的钱,都是从爸爸妈妈的钱包里偷来的你说,这样的孩子,长大后怎么能够自己赚钱呢? 有的孩子天天玩游戏Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the Inter “Children and the。

5For people who use their phone to watch things often and are tired of learning it onto something where 在钱包最显眼的地方插一张小卡片,写上你的血型,急救电话等信息,说不定哪天能救你的命 12How to put away。


到上 onto到处everywhere到达抵达 arrive到达够着 reach道路公路 road得到到达 get得分获胜 score德国Germany钱夹皮夹 wallet潜水dive潜水员 diver强盗盗贼 robber强壮的坚强的 strong墙wall抢劫rob抢劫案,抢劫 robbery敲。

包bag的读音英 b#230g美 b#230ɡwrap的读音英 r#230p美 r#230p一bag 英 b#230g 美 b#230ɡn袋,囊,枕套钱包,手提皮包 She opened her bag 她。

ToC端包含为囤币用户保值增值更安全高效管理数字资产,有软件钱包Cobo Wallet和硬件钱包Cobo金库ToB端主要是面对机构投资者的Cobo Custody托管业务,后面详细介绍 Deribit亚洲商务负责人Lin 大家好,我是Deribit的Lin, 覆盖中国。

Tommy How is your little brother, Johnny? Johnny He is ill in bed He hurt himselfTommy That#39s too bad How did that happen?Johnny We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he。

Used to indicate figurative or abstract motion toward, against, or onto向,在上用于表示比喻或抽象的运动的朝向,对着或在之上going on six o#39clock came on the answer by accident到快六点了偶然找到了答案。

一,draw 英 dr#596#720 美 dr#596#720v用铅笔钢笔或粉笔画,描绘,描画拖动拉动牵引拉,拖车吸引,使感兴趣 n抽彩抽奖抽签平局和局不分胜负 第三人称单数。

put out的意思熄灭伸出出版使不方便打扰put away的意思收起来put up建造搭起put off推迟1put out的读音英 p#650t a#650t,美 p#650t a#650t2用法put。



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