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paragraph是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和及物动词,可以翻译为段落分段符号,等等paragraph 英#39p#230r#601ɡrɑf美#712p#230r#601#716ɡr#230fn段落分段符号vt将分段。


Paragraph 3 At one time, ecologists believed that species diversity made ecosystems stable They believed that the greater the diversity the more stable the ecosystem Support for this idea came from the observation that。

What#39s the main idea of Paragraph 2 and 3?翻译第2和3段的主旨大意是什么。

16 当老师说“你吃什么你就是什么”的时候,她是在阐述健康饮食的重要性17 人们对食物有着同样的建议18 第3段中“我们扔掉了薯片锅”可能意味着我们停止吃炸薯片了19 为什么作者从吃薯片转向吃煮土豆了煮。

3The word “evolve” in the passageParagraph3is closest in meaning to A divided Bextended Cdeveloped D vanished 4Which of the sentences below bestexpresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence。


选项 A 提到的居住人口规模对应第三段最后一句的内容,They were no longer a series of small bands but lived in a large community,而 A 选项说的是 small groups of people,与原文相反选项 B 也不对。


本题对应原文 In 1820 under a new land law, a farm could be bought for $100,即 1820 年根据新的土地法,只需要花 100 美元就可以买到一个农场B 选项符合原文,答案为 B。


第三段的主要内容在第三段第一句中得到概括,段落其他句子承接第一句中提到的 certain goods were later made by skilled artisans 对此进行论述后面提到的 Certain images depict groups 以及 a specialized metal。

原文第三段第一句就指出, rain forest 和 savannas 的土壤相似,但是更极端一点,随后又给出了具体的例子作者在本段结尾提出 savannas 的一种形成原因时, 提到 this may seemeither too wet or too dry for。


原文在提到第三个十年后,指出生产量有下降的迹象,紧接着就说可能是由过度开发造成的那么原文提到第三个十年,其实就是为了后面过度开发导致产量下降做铺垫,所以答案是 C,两者说法一致选项 A 不对,原文重点不是美国。

原文第二句和第三句明确指出 replaced with coalderived coke as steamdriven bellows came into use for producing of raw iron,并且指出 Impurities were burnt away with the use of coke, producing a highquality。

原文第 3 段介绍了两种情况,一种是新物种形成后两者不能结合,原文为 Some groups that had descended from the same parent population were no longer reproductively compatible they had evolved into separate species。



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