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[newspaperinwesterneurope答案]newspaper in western europe答案


A year later, however, he wasn#39t satisfied and decided to go into the unknown western lands, crossing the Appalachian Mountains When he returned after two years, he became famous for his long journey He brought valu。

Scientists examining Europe’s 435 butterfly species found that the populations of one in three species are falling and nine percent are already threatened with extinction “Most butterflies at risk are in southern Europe。

[newspaperinwesterneurope答案]newspaper in western europe答案

1C 第二段开头已经说明了答案2B A和C答案等效在前一句话中说明painters had been willing to assume such artisanrelated tasks as varnishing, gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriage。

Europe didn’t have a regularly printed newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany直到1609年欧洲才有了定期发行的报纸,首份是在德国发行由此可推出答案应为B小题2D细节理解题The first regularly。

Someday it may be possible for a subscriber to a televised newspaper to press a button and see a newspaper page 8 his television screen He could also decide when he wants the page 9 Moreover, by dialing。

2 In Saudi Arabia, newspaper adverts for an airline showed an attractive hostess serving champagne to happy passengers A lot of passengers cancelled their flight reservationsUnveiled women don’t mix with men。

[newspaperinwesterneurope答案]newspaper in western europe答案

Preservation of a number of Arab culture in ancient Greece and ancient Rome#39s knowledge, with the Crusades, Spain, the Levant with the Moors of Arab culture, have an impact on Western Europe, and finally in the 14th。

while the competition with absolutism dynasty countries from Western Europe认为民族国家是民族与国家的统一体,既包括政治属性的国家主权,也包括社会文化结构的民族认同民族主义首先产生于英国,在与西欧绝对主义王朝国家的。

the Chinese upscale domestic electric appliances new market the appearance, made an ambitious capital spending plan This strategy#39s key point is specially China establishes one in Southeast Asia with Western Europe。

1 集中注意力于 pay attention to 26 很长时间 for ages 2 也 as well 27 请某人帮忙 ask a favor of sb 3 设法弄懂 work out 28 浏览 look through 4 试验,检验 try out 29 那时过去的一段时间 in。

我是从一份晚报上读到关于那位作家自杀的消息的2报社C可数She works for a newspaper她为一家报社工作3新闻用纸,白报纸U不可数newspaper = Northern + Eastern + Western + Southern + Paper 意思是含有。

chongqing daily newspaper group host China is registered in the western region of chongqing and even the largest publishing type website, chongqing daily newspaper group and chongqing broadcast television group des。

In some countries in western Europe, such as France, Belium and Britain, the countryside is changing Life has become difficult for many villages, and some disappearing There are a numberof reasons for this。

1,polite, hardworking or clever 2They were talking loudly and laughing 3let them sit down 4they gave Mr Vogts a rude look 5 couldn’t tell me the name of the King of Spain or the President of。

选A,人口密集 vastly常指地域的辽阔 enormously指数量上的大 largely泛指大。



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