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夷平毁坏击倒 The trees were leveled by the typhoon 树木被台风刮倒了使平等,使划一 把对准 动词不及物 leveled, levelled leveled, levelled leveling, levelling变平 The deck of the ship le;英语a horse trailer翻译成中文是“马拖车”重点词汇horse 一单词音标 horse单词发音英 h#596#720s 美 h#596rs二单词释义 n 马骑兵脚架跳马 v 系马于使骑马捉弄 ad;你好!自由 freedom 英#712frid#601m 美#712frid#601mn 自由,自主 直率 特权,特许 自由权例句He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor市长阁下;Chinese New Year this year, we do not go home, the snow can啥时leveled, and lead, and we go homeSnowstorm has passed, it was terrible that we beat! However, the Wenchuan earthquake has once again;中世纪英语粗略来讲是从12世纪到15世纪法语对词汇的影响拉丁语经常被当作法语在此期间继续得到发展,一些附加用法的减少和其他的缩减在此期间发展迅速,在语法体系里产生了许多变法一片典型的散文,特别是此期间的晚期,将;In claiming her fourth consecutive victory over Williams, whom she beat en route to the US Open title last year, Clijsters leveled her headtohead series with the 29 year old to 66Clijsters claimed her。

中世纪英语保留较少的语调名词和形容词的词尾标记有区别,通常语性失去了独特的形式动词也有同样情况如果我们说古英语是完整词尾的话,那么中世纪英语词尾已经去了一半说明古英语Old English 是指 1100 年以前使用;夷为平地 to level to the ground 顷刻之间 instantly 顷刻之间,县城被夷为平地 The whole county was leveled to the ground instantly保证地道;Machiness应该becarefully特别是成水平的,表面研磨机,它必须beleveled由002mmm精确度水平仪,并且在起重器螺栓,调整的做法必须如下平等地装载机器 1在桌的中部的集合精神,在纵向和横向方向和调整直到平实准确性的。

个人觉得Climbing最好翻译成中文就是“克兰宾”再者,这个词是现在分词,表“正在攀登”,进而可意译为“坚持不懈” 自己的看法而已;英语Collape level翻译成中文是“衣领水平”重点词汇 level 一单词音标 level单词发音英 #712l#603v#601l 美 #712l#603v#601l二单词释义 n 数量等级水平水平线 adj。

Your character is leveled by a team of highly experienced professional gamers, who know every detail of your character class We will level by quotgrindingquot ie killing creatures, and will usually not complete;所爱隔山海, 山海不可平英语The loved is separated from sea and mountain, which can#39t be fill up and make evenmountain and even 是押韵的。


42 横梁顶端翼缘的中突部分在排放时应当尽量靠近它所临近的横梁,要把上扰度最大的上凸部分安装在在船的中心位置,然后中凸上扰度向着船头和船尾两端逐渐减小顶部翼缘在焊接之前和焊接之后的横向和纵向平整度必须小于0;for the whole day ,they wore out in the fieldThe shop supply what we needNowadays, the price of the cars go down on a large scaleThe gap between the rich and the poor should be leveled off。




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