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1、If I could go there 重点词汇释义 如果if in case in the event of supposing that in the event 去那里go there 如果我真能去那里工作,我会用自己的表现来获得大家的认可If I could get the job, I;in love with youAre you willing to let me hold your hand and accompany you all the time?I am not sure whether I am faithful enough or notBut time will tellI will not promise too muchSupposing th;这题填suppose也可以只是选项里没有suppose本来是动词,supposing本来是现在分词,但它们俩也可用作连词,引导条件状语从句,其意为“假若”“如果”等此时主句通常为疑问句如Supposing he can’t come, who will do;LZ您好,由于没有上下文背景,采取直译以下为译文例如,我们可以假设假设在和声和音乐作品的声音中,音调的基本关系容易受到这种表达和改编的影响,而引擎代指不明在这种情况下却能够编写出更为复杂,精细和科学的音乐;1 C get on well with 是固定短语,意思是与某人相处得好 2 C 这是一虚拟语气的句子,在这种假设条件中,主语不管是第几人称,be动词都用 were主句的时态往前推3B not only bu also 不但而且A;我是辛辛苦苦查字典啊多给我点分 The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON,oppressed by excessive thirst,saw a goblet of water painted on a signboardNot supposing it to be only a picture,she flew towards it。

2、supposed 现在分词supposing 及物动词 vt1料想 猜想 以为 You are only supposing this on hearsay, you have no proof你只是根据传闻想像而已, 并没有证据I suppose he will be back by eight o#39clock我;suppose 前边一般跟人作主语,I supposesupposing往往省略事情做主语,blabla事情,supposing;第三人称单数 supposes 现在分词 supposing 过去式 supposed 过去分词 supposed双语例句Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children比方说,我们假设你成家了,还有两个孩子Suppos;如果你遇到不会的单词,你可以查字典If you come across a word you can#39t, you can look it up in the dictionary重点词汇 如果 if in case in the event of supposing that 遇到 run into;倘 连 倘若 if supposing in case例句倘有困难,请迅速通知我们If there is any difficulty, please let us know promptly;suppose英s#601#712p#601uz 美s#601#712pozvt假定猜想,推测认为让用于祈祷语气vi想象,猜想 现在分词supposing过去式supposed第三人称单数supposes过去分词supposed。


3、当我进入了伯克利,我希望赢得奖学金 是一名平直的学生,我相信我可能__36坚韧主题和真正地学会某事 一条这样路线是Jayne教授给的世界文学 我是极端对想法感兴趣他37在类 当我采取了第一检查,我是发现一77的38;区别犹如动词,如同,比如灯火辉煌,犹如白昼好像1动词,有些像像,比如他们俩一见面就好像多年的好朋友2副词,似乎仿佛,比如他低着头不做声,好像在想什么事这两个词还是有区别的我看到了;supposing等同于if,意思是“假设如果”,it is likely that意思是“是有可能的”所以句型翻译为如果假如,那么是有可能的例句Supposing you are present, it is likely that you will b。

4、If the weather permits, they will go on a journey this weekend祝你学习愉快 *^__^*请及时采纳,多谢;有两种翻译方法一种是虚拟条件句,表示跟现在的事实想法假如我死了,但实际上还没死例如丈夫跟妻子说假如我现在就死了,你现在就是个寡妇了If I died, you would be a widow用了虚拟语气的话,就表示。


5、provide的过去分词形式provided和Ving形式providing均可作连词,用来引导条件从句,意为\quot如果的话只要\quot可直接接从句,也可加上that,二者可互换,但在正式文体中多用provided首先,采取措施就要用take measur。



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