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cooperating、cooperating research elements


英语individuals cooperate generously翻译成中文意思是“个人慷慨合作”重点词汇individuals,individual的复数 一单词音标 individual单词发音英 #716#618nd#618#712v#618dj#650#601l 美 #716#618nd#601#712v#618d#658u#601l 二单词。

But if another languagecan think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so muchmore 好,我跟你们说一个关于两位科学家的故事有两位英国科学家在做一项实验,是关于遗传学的,以及动物的前后肢但他们无法得到他们想要的结果他们真的不知道该怎么办,直到来了一位德国的科学家。

1答案两者都是合作的意思,但是collaborate含有贬义的意思,有勾结的意思而cooperater表示商业上的协同合作,不含贬义成分2相关内容cooperater 1读音k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t2词性动词 3变形cooperated cooperating 4造句Let#39s all cooperate to。

cooperate 英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates过去分词cooperated现在进行时cooperating过去式cooperated 例句1It is this fundamental truth that compels us to coo。

cooperating、cooperating research elements

Good afternoon,everyone!The topic of my speech is quotcooperate with othersquotIn our busy and modern society,nomatter completing work or promoting daily life quality,effective cooperating with others is very importantIf we have a good command of cooperating skills,it will be helpful for。

cooperating 合作 双语对照 词典结果cooperating英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t#618#331美ko#650#39#594p#601re#618t#618#331adj共同运转的,协同操作的v合作,配合,协助 cooperate的现在分词。

cooperation n 合作,协作 英英解释名词 cooperation1 joint operation or action 2 the practice of cooperating difference n 不同,差异 英英解释名词 difference1 the quality of being unlike or dissimilar 2 a variation that deviates from the standard or norm 同义词deviatio。

cooperating、cooperating research elements



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