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t go at a job with the necessary confidence,and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetenceAlfred Adler,a famous psychiatrist,had an;Many businesses fail to tell their customers of this, either through apathy, incompetence or the hope that nothing will be said and a late delivery can be made10 很多时候人们的无知或是存在侥幸心理都导致了因果的不当解决,因怨念的积累而导致永世的血债咒怨是谁都不愿看到的A lot。

complain about 英k#601m#712plein #601#712baut美k#601m#712plen #601#712ba#650t抱怨,投诉例句1Foreign engineers that have worked in brazil complain about the incompetence of their braziliancounterparts在巴西工作过的外国工程师都在抱怨巴西工程;second stage presents itself A person may encounter some difficult times and crises in daily life For example, communication difficulties may occur such as not being understood In this stage, there may be feelings of discontent, impatience, anger, sadness, and feeling incompetence。


Love can make a person find fun from errors, nonsense and incompetence 38突如其来的爱情却需要最长久的时间才能治愈拉布吕耶尔 The sudden love takes the long time to heal 39爱情使身心的结合更加紧密,更加和谐伏尔泰 Love makes the combination of body and mind more closely, more;A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence 一种认为在等级森严的公司里,每个职员都想升到其无法胜任的位置的说法 The term “Peter Principle” has become quite popular among the American work force 在美国的劳动力大军里,常可听到”彼得。

DePssion because of his incompetence, trouble is due to the unsatisfied desire, temper is a kind of virtual qie of performance36每个人都有属于他自己的欲望,欲望无法避免,能做的只有尽力不被欲望侵蚀Everyone has his own desire, desire is inevitable, desire can do is try my;我认为那孩子没有多大潜力The country has the capability to defeat the aggressor这个国家有能力击败任何侵略者其反义词是 inability ,incapability,incompetence capacity容量, 生产量, 容量, 智能, 才能, 能力, 接受力, 地位capacity用在制造业和商业上,通常就是指生产和承受能力如tra。

quot who is not willing to let the people know and see nothing,because this will show their own incompetence,or too stupidquot But he no clothing!quot a child called out and then all the people saidEmperor shaking a bit,assumed a more proud of the airHis officials are behind;这句话,应该不是你这样的翻译法看了一下上下文,句子是You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn#39t jump the fence, or that your client doesn#39t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence所以,句子的翻译应该是你的。

As if is he in the chaos of the universe found a new pattern, is awkwardly to describe it down, because of incompetence, the heart is very painful I#39ve seen a tortured soul struggling to find ways of exPssion 41为了使灵魂宁静,一个人每天要做两件他不喜欢的事说这句话的人是个聪。


如下本文是一篇人物童话,通过一个昏庸无能而又穷奢极欲的皇帝受骗上当的故事,揭露和讽刺了皇帝和大臣们的虚伪愚蠢和自欺欺人的丑行This article is a fairy tale character, but incompetence by an extravagant Emperor fooled story,Expose and satire of the emperor and the ministers of。

they interpret feedback as a sign of their incompetence积极的人接受反馈因为他们总是努力变得更好,他们愿意学习,提高他们的技能消极的人会生气当他们收到纠正或反馈而不是将其视为改善手段,他们解释反馈是他们无能的标志6 ldquoLetrsquos go big!rdquoldquo我们实现大梦想。


They wrongly attribute their incompetence to skepticism26须知参差多态,乃是幸福本源For persity, it is essential to happiness27欲望使人即使到了天堂也会坐立不安The desire to make people even in paradise will be on tenterhooks28婴儿期的道德教育大多缺乏理性基础,因而很难适用。


the bull doesn#39t jump the fence 公牛没有跳过篱笆 拼音双语对照 双语例句 1 You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn#39t jump the fence, or that your client doesn#39t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence作为药剂师。

ability作为可数名词才能本领才智a level of skill or intelligence 例句1He was a man of extraordinary abilities他才干卓著2They repeatedly questioned his leadership abilities 他们一再质疑他的领导才能3Does the school cater for all abilities?学校能够做到因材施教吗。