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1、scenic spots together, since the title together, and by such a variety of skillsCouplets in Chinese customs and even the world#39s regions, as well as the use of Chinese characters and Chinese cultural heritage of ethnic origin, streaming, for carrying forward the Chinese culture has。

2、尘埃落定在这里被翻译成Red Poppy,也就是“红罂粟”的意思如果直译的话,应该说成mote drops placidly 显然能够准确表达。

3、现在将我翻译的原因向你说明一下1“Just like ourselves”我的意思是这样的,因为在下面语意中已经推断出作者是黄种人,所以用一个“ourselves”更加贴切专业一些2“However”在这里表示转折,符合语境3指出楼上豪侠的错误,“I am willing to make friends and black”明显与原意不符。


4、Biographical notes on the candidates positions with professional knowledge and professional standards, willing to engage in the work of a basic industry information Han ethnic origin Liaoning graduation time in July 2007 members of the political landscape University education specialist。

5、Resume A personal data Name LiuChaoBo gender male han ethnic origin, shaanxiAge 27 height 174cm degree college professional mechanical design Graduated from colleges shaanxi industry vocational and technical college Telephone email2 application intention mechanical and electronic。

6、Firework festival on the looting of the Dong ethnic origin is a way for people to commemorate the Dragon’s daughter She always came here and built a good relationship between lacal people and her In order to avoid the troubles by her, the Dragon king stop her to come here。

7、谁来把中文简历翻译成英文简历,谢谢啊 急呢 相信我 1222 Sex Male Date of birth Name 1985,12 Yangzhou, Jiangsu Han ethnic origin and political outlook of members In good health Qualifications for graduate school in Nanjing Industrial Vocational and Technical College Information Engineering College is loc。

8、Native ethnic han politics in shaanxi xixiang members Bachelor degreemost cultivation mode communication professional mold design and manufacture Graduated from university graduate school X time June 2010 Email contact telephone X X Personal assessment, the personality is bright, liking to。

9、供应商不应该在制造,包装或商品配送中使用任何童工 “童工“是指一个人低于当地合法就业或完成义务教育的年龄,但任何情况下,在制造,包装或商品中不得雇用不满十五15周岁或十四14,当地法律允许的儿童如果供应商雇用不属于“子女“定义的任何青年,其也应遵守适用于其他较年轻的人士的。

10、2 9 Only a few students abroad, the other had entered the Shanghai University of 10 women and men doing the same, he should receive the same remuneration 11 I know is this, I say more?Over 12 only a few ethnic origin, the enemy began to launch another round of attack。

11、障碍具体地指被禁止的歧视的基本形式的当中一个列出在 文章定义歧视的2251 里犯罪代码这篇文章指定它与以下特征有 关个体和法定个体弥补个体 考虑到 因为歧视行动是任一分 别管理在自然人之间由于一种坚定的种族小组, 国家, 种族或宗教 的他们的起源, 性, 家庭情况, 物理出现, 名字, 健康。

12、livestock Rending for the prosperity of the second gun Zhaocaijinbao for the third gun Xian Zhu later spread to various parts of Sanjiang, which goes into Xiangyan The National Institute of Guangxi, Qin Cai Luan Fireworks Festival on the looting of the Dong ethnic origin。

13、家庭作业 写下自己名字的故事你的故事必须是手写的,至少是半页但不能超过一页写故事的时候想想下面的问题 谁取的名字为什么取这个名字名字的起源你的昵称是什么如果有的话 你喜欢被叫做什么 你的名字有没有什么有趣的故事 你可以写你的中文名字,英文名,或两个都写只要是你的名字。

14、This paper is an article that describes and explains the differences between chinese dragons culture and western dragons culture It introduces the chinese dragons to the world by camparing with the western dragons ,including the origin , appearance and each connotation of dragons It。

15、太长了我用翻译软件翻译吧,你看着觉得合适就给分吧Not a few nations of worldwide locations are because of the race, culture, believe in and live the habit dissimilarity, spend joyfully the New Year#39s Day food custom also thousand bad ten thousand do not, each special feat。


16、Chinese dance in the historical development process, with alternate progress and people#39s aesthetic demand increase social system, through various historical transition in different periods, from the historical transformation, we can see the history of the development of Chinese Dance several。

17、在2002年7月14日, 宣布3 主要工程的那个适合他的5 年的任期将是为残疾的人的原因辩护的共和国的总统 在2002年12月3日,他确认有利于这些人行动在2003年将是一个主要的国家原因 法国社会已经关于全部水平知道这件事情的重要性协会,国家和地方当局和公司各种各样行动组织提升残疾人#39 s右派。