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1document用充分的证据证明 研究人员已经用充分的证据证明,枫糖浆比所有其他普通甜味剂具有较高的营养价值2using the Health Canada recommended daily intake values for an average 2,000 calorie diet是现在分词作状语,表示方式使用加拿大卫生部推荐每日摄入量为平均2000卡路里的饮食计算出了每天。

ORing O型密封圈 intake manifolds 发动机进气歧管 threaded inserts 有螺纹的插入式接头 hose connectors 软管接头 at the integrated the water crossover 我是看不懂,感觉water前那个the是不是多余的啊 整句话的意思进气歧管上螺纹插头与软管接头连接处用于密封的O型圈 总之他就是要O型圈。

The piston starts at the top The intake valve opens,the pistion moves down and sucks air and fuel into the cylinder In a diesel engine only air is sucked into the cylinder活塞从顶部开始进气阀打开,活塞向下运动,将空气和燃料吸入气缸在柴油机中,只有空气被吸入汽缸。



intake 英#712#618nte#618k 美#712#618n#716tekn 吸入,进气 液体等 进入口 摄入,摄取 纳入数量例句Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day 每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。


n吸入,进气 液体等进入口 摄入,摄取 纳入数量 变形 复数 intakes 双语例句 1We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量2Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat营养学家说我们所摄入。

as far as possible 10 years of learning and working experience gained, I learned a lot of knowledge and competent clerks, Intake Assistant work in all areas I sincerely hope Guichanli give me a chance, I believe in my ability and professionalism Guichanli will give an excell。