大寒Greater Cold 24th solar termJan20 or 2 节气歌 种田无定例,全靠看节气立春阳气转,雨水沿河边 惊蛰乌鸦叫,春分滴水干清明忙种粟,谷雨种大田 立夏鹅毛住,小满雀来全芒种大家乐,夏至不着棉 小暑不算热,大暑;分别是立春雨水惊蛰春分清明谷雨立夏小满芒种夏至小暑大暑立秋处暑白露秋分寒露霜降立冬小雪大雪冬至小寒大寒二十四节气,是指干支历中表示季节物候气候变化以及确立“。
冬至节英语这样说Winter solstice二十四节气中英对照立春 the Beginning of Spring 1st solar termFeb3,4, or 5雨水 Rain Water 2nd solar termFeb18,19 or 20惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 3rd;谷雨的英文名为“Grain Rain”其中grain有谷物粮食之意,rain为雨水此外谷雨也称为“第六节气”,英文名为“6th solar term”,6th 即sixth,译为第六solar term是固定词组,译为节气偶尔也有人把节气翻译为“。
立春 the Beginning of Spring 1st solar termFeb3,4, or 5 雨水 Rain Water 2nd solar termFeb18,19 or 20 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 3rd solar termMar5,6, or 7 春分。
String solarTerm = new String quot小寒quot, quot大寒quot, quot立春quot, quot雨水quot, quot惊蛰quot, quot春分quot,quot清明quot, quot谷雨quot, quot立夏quot, quot小满quot, quot芒种quot, quot夏至quot, quot小暑quot, quot大暑quot, quot立秋quot, quot处暑quot, quot白露quot,quot秋分quot。
立春theBeginningofSpring1stsolartermFeb3,4, or 5雨水RainWater2ndsolartermFeb18,19 or 20惊蜇theWakingofInsects3rdsolartermMar5,6 or 7春分theSpringEquinox4thsolartermMar20,2。
CalendarsolarTerm = new Arrayquot小寒quot,quot大寒quot,quot立春quot,quot雨水quot,quot惊蛰quot,quot春分quot,quot清明quot,quot谷雨quot,quot立夏quot,quot小满quot,quot芒种quot,quot夏至quot,quot小暑quot,quot大暑quot,quot立秋quot, quot处暑quot,quot白露quot,quot秋分quot,quot寒露quot,quot霜降quot, quot立冬quot,quot小雪quot,quot大雪。
但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同节气是我国物候变化时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义But, as a clear festival, and pure solar termand different Solar term is our。
霜降,是二十四节气中的第十八个节气,秋季的最后一个节气After entering the Frost Descending Solar Term, the scene of late autumn is obvious, and cold air moves southward more and more frequently进入霜降节气。
var solarTerm = new Arrayquot小寒quot,quot大寒quot,quot立春quot,quot雨水quot,quot惊蛰quot,quot春分quot,quot清明quot,quot谷雨quot,quot立夏quot,quot小满quot,quot。
谷雨的英文名为“Grain Rain”,其中 grain 有谷物粮食之意,rain为雨水此外谷雨也称为“第六节气”,英文名为“6th solar term”,6th 即 sixth,译为第六solarterm 是固定词组,译为节气偶尔也有人把节气翻译。
solar term是二十四节气的意思音标美#712so#650l#601r t#604#720rm 英#712s#601#650l#601r t#604#720msolar是太阳系的意思,term是学期的意思In China, the 24。
Clear and Bright, the 5th solar term of the yearOf all the 24 solar terms, Clear and Bright is the only one whose first day is also a traditional Chinese festival, Qingming Festival or TombSweeping Day。
But, as a clear festival, and pure solar termand different Solar term is our country phenology, seasonal change of theorder of symbol, and the festival is contains certain custom of commemorationChing Ming。