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“蔬菜”英语vegetable读法英 #712ved#658t#601bl 美 #712v#603d#658t#601bl释义1n 蔬菜植物植物人 2adj 蔬菜的植物的 vegetable salad蔬菜沙拉 Vegetable Prawns时菜虾 Vegetable Roll炒素丁 例句1The land is cultivated with rice, cotton;Acrylonitrile is dehydrated and the overhead , an azeotropic mixture of acrylonitrile and water , carries small amounts of low boiling impurities which are essentially the last traces of acrolein丙烯腈被脱水,而顶部馏出物一种丙烯腈和水的共沸混合物携带了少量的低沸点杂质,它们本质上。

第一段二氧化钛二是一种亚稳态单斜修改 二氧化钛它是第一个合成1980 马尔等人1 , 2从层状钛酸钾通过钛酸 钾氢离子交换其次是calcination13一些其他 层状钛酸盐,即,na2ti3o7和cs2ti5o11,也给 二氧化钛二经离子交换和热dehydratation 5的h2ti4o9#8218水可以剥离成薄片的;面包种类繁多,以下举出部分常见例子1硬面包圈Bagel美国纽约流行的面包之一,外表和炸面圈很相似,但炸面圈是油炸的面包,而硬面包圈则是将经过发酵的面粉团,揉成圈形后,放到水里去煮过,然后再进行烘烤外皮烤得越硬脆,里面的面包味道就越浓,质地就越韧2甜甜圈Donut是一种由。

Dried radish is a specialty of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province It is an outstanding representative of Jiangnan pickle technologyDried radish is dehydrated and processed by traditional technology, which takes 300 days to make Its taste is delicate and crisp2龙井;验证测试条件,负控制是使用选定的稀释剂在地方的考试准备不得有微生物生长阴性对照进行测试时,产品描述产品测试一个失败的负面控制需要调查Growth Prmotion of the Media 促生的媒体 Test each batch of readyprepared medium and each batch of medium prepared either from dehydrated medium。

答案又称脱水商品培养基dehydrated commercial media,只含有除水外的一切成分的商品培养基,使用时只要加入适量水分并加以灭菌即可,是一类既有成分精确又有使用方便等优点的现代化培养基。

dehydrated hair

变性乙醇,英文名叫SD Alcohol 40, SD Alcohol 40B, Denatured Alcohol, Alcohol Denat, Dehydrated Ethanol, Alcohol Denatured,俗称工业酒精工业火酒是指在乙醇中加入添加剂使之不能饮用,只能作工业用途添加剂通常为甲醇,份量大约为5%由于不能饮用,变性乙醇可避开某些国家对酒类饮品征收的税项。

SD Alcohol 40, SD Alcohol 40B, Denatured Alcohol, Alcohol Denat, Dehydrated Ethanol, Alcohol Denatured变性酒精 为确保用於化妆品中之酒精无法转移为其他用途,因此经过特殊程序处理加入不可食用成份后之酒精,又称为 SD Alcohol Specially Denatured alcohol,主要为宣告其不可用以饮用,而在。

马上到了腹泻高发季了腹泻是我国的常见病,发病率高 我国原卫生部疾病控制司的调查结果显示 在全球范围内,腹泻病是造成五岁以下儿童死亡的第二大原因,每年约有76万五岁以下儿童死于腹泻病另外,腹泻也是造成五岁以下儿童营养不良的主要原因1在我国,腹泻病也是小孩子中排名第二位的。

1钠流失会造成脱水和抽筋This loss of sodium can cause dehydration and cramping2他死于严重脱水He died from severe dehydration3要大量饮水,以免脱水Drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated4天这样热,赛跑运动员很快会脱水Runners can dehydrate very quickly in this。

9 土豆干Dehydrated Potatoes将土豆切片或切丁,经过脱水处理,成为一种健康且便于储存的零食10 调味土豆脆Seasoned Potato Crisps与普通薯片类似,但在制作过程中加入了更多的香料和调味品,如烧烤味辣椒味等,增加了风味的多样性总之,这些土豆零食不仅美味,而且由于土豆本身富含碳水。

dehydrated skins


不可以如果是don#39t need 要用TO DOn需要, 必需 缺乏 穷困 困难 危急 常用复需要的东西 be in need of food 需要食物 daily needs 日用品 =There is no need to hurry 不用着急satisfy one#39s needs 满足某人的需要 from each according to his ability, to each according。


Icone Regulation Creme Dehydrated Skin ICONE系列调节面霜专为缺水皮肤 Icone for HyperSensitive Skin ICONE抗敏系列的?标注不明,翻不出 Vitalmine 焕彩活力素可作底乳 Model Lift 纤容霜 UV 30 Ultra UV Face Coat 高效UV面部防晒液SPF30 CD不推荐 Purifying Lotion 清新焕容爽肤水。

and the presence of monoclinic titanates trititanates seems to adequately explain the hydrothermal synthesis of carbon nanotubes16 The H2Ti3O7 can be thermally dehydrated to form titanium dioxide II, providing support for the existence of titanium dioxide II nanotubes。
