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[astronautintheocean歌词翻译]astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译



2、Oops!I Did It Again 歌词yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think i did it again i made you believe we#39re more than just friends oh baby it might seem like a crush but。

3、The astronaut in the pictures of the first moon landing isn#39t Neil Armstrong登月后拍摄的第一张照片如图所示,但其中的宇航员不是阿姆斯特朗The photos show the second man to walk on the moon, Buzz Aldrin画。

4、n 宇航员,航天员太空旅行者 变形复数 astronauts同近义词cosmonautspaceman 航宇航员,航天员太空旅行者 astronaut造句如下1He was the first American astronaut to land on the moon他是美国第一位。

5、March 18, 1965, by quotupquot 2 spacecraft Leonov of the Soviet astronauts in flight for the first time in the history of the world#39s space walk in spaceMarch 16, 1966, containing the astronaut and Scott。

6、AstronautYeah, Yes it is BritneyBut I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end AstronautWell, baby, I went down and got it for you BritneyOh, you shouldn#39t have Oops, I did it。

7、n宇航员航天员太空人 一宇航员 1I can be a doctor, I can be an engineer, I can be an astronaut我可以是医生,我可以是工程师,我可以是宇航员2This is the first astronaut这是第一个宇航员。

8、sky,and want to be an astronaut in the future then i can wlak in the sky or on other planetsmeet some creatures so, I#39ll try to learn more about space, and to be a good astronaut望采纳。

9、你好我所找到的关于你的标题astronaut takes historic walk in space的是一篇新闻报道,我将其全文翻译了,望对你有帮助In this video grab taken on Saturday, September 27, 2008 from China Central。

10、be a member of Jiuquan Command Centre, instead of being an astronaut or a sapcecraft designer, I wanna be the rarely known zero commander and that commander in China Space Agency is actually my idol。

11、1Chinese astronaut中国宇航员2taikonaut中国太空人俩者都有中国宇航员的意思只不过Chinese astronaut比较正式一点,多用于书面语句taikonaut则更多应用于口语。

12、Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground But we#39ve never lost an astronaut in flight We#39#39ve never had a tragedy like this And perhaps we。

[astronautintheocean歌词翻译]astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译

13、Take another look right in my eyes My first love, broke my heart for the first time And now I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I thought。

14、Management astronauts are experienced astronauts who have been promoted to other positions within NASA, or astronauts on special duty assignments or sabbaticals that make them unavailable for direct support to the Astronaut。

15、a minute, isn#39t this? Astronaut Yeah, Yes it is Britney But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end Astronaut Well, baby, I went down and got it for you Britney Oh。

[astronautintheocean歌词翻译]astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译




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